"You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor."
--2 Corinthians 8:7
Couple's Corner
Making the Best Investment

All marriages, no matter how good they might be, can be made better. A good marriage has some basic qualities.

  • Both partners are totally committed to the relationship and to each other.
  • They are willing to invest time and energy into the relationship.
  • They communicate effectively with each other.
  • They know how to manage and resolve conflicts.
  • They have learned how to be flexible.
There is no “right way” to be married; many different individuals come together in marriages, and relationships come in many different styles. But…one of the wrong ways to be in any relationship is to not invest in it.

If you consulted a good financial planner about investments for your future (not that any of us would be worried about that these days), here is what she might tell you:
  • Invest money regularly.
  • The types of investments you make will change, depending on your life circumstances. (When you are younger you might invest in riskier stocks; when you near retirement you might want them in more secure investments.)
Those same principles hold true in relationships. The more important the relationship, the more important those principles will be. Sometimes it is easy to maintain a strong relationship; the investments of time and energy may come easier at these times. Sometimes things will feel like you are stuck in neutral or even going downhill. You may need to find extra time to invest in your relationship, even though you might already be putting in a lot of effort. This kind of commitment to each other and to the relationship is crucial, and knowing that you are in this for the long haul makes the investment grow.

A Biblical “Love” Assessment

Many people use 1 Corinthians 13 in their wedding ceremony. It is a very beautiful poem written by St. Paul using God’s love as a model for our love for each other.

If I could speak with the tongues of mortals or of an angel,
...but do not have love, I am just a noisy, clanging cymbal.

If I have prophetic powers to understand the mysteries of life
...but do not have love, I am nothing!

  The Love Dare

In the movie FIREPROOF, a couple dares to rescue their choking marriage from the flames of divorce and temptation using The Love Dare book as a guide. Now you can take the experience of the film one step further with your own copy of The Love Dare book. This daily devotional steers you through the fiery challenge of developing a strong, committed marriage in a world that threatens to burn it to the ground.

The Love Dare personally leads you through daily devotionals, records your thoughts and experiences, and ends each day daring you to perform a simple act of love for your spouse. This 40-Day journey equips you to melt hardened, separated hearts into an enduring love that can withstand the flames of fear, pride and temptation. The Love Dare book will help you reinforce and enrich your marriage, earn back a love you thought was lost, and hear more about the One who not only designed unconditional, sacrificial love—He illustrated it.

In a world that attacks, devalues, and redefines relationships every day, learn how to rescue and protect your marriage from the firestorm. Take The Love Dare and FIREPROOF your relationship.

Topics Discussed in The Love Dare Book

In FIREPROOF, The Love Dare covers the topics of relationship parasites (addictions like pornography and gambling) and unconditional love. The Love Dare devotional book expands and extends the topics addressed in the film’s plot to include such vital issues as:

  • Why Marriage? Explore the blessings and challenges of godly marriage.
  • Contract or Covenant? Examine the difference between the world’s design for marriage and God’s original intention.
  • Clean Fighting. Learn how to fight the fires of conflict effectively and respectfully.
  • Leading Your Heart, Instead of Vice Versa. Practice choosing love when it isn’t your instinctive response.


©2010, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church.